What's in Orio?


Tourism Office

Address: Aritzaga Kalea  1 - 20810 ORIO
Tl.: 943 83 55 65
E-mail: iThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Summer timetable(from 17 June to 15 September):

Monday to Saturday: 10:00 - 14:00 & 16:00 - 20:00
Sunday: 10:00 - 14:00

Winter timetable (from 1 November to 31 March):

Tuesday: 09:30 -13:30
Thursday to Friday: 09:30-13:30 & 16:00- 19: 00
Saturday: 09:30-15:00
Sunday: 10:00-14:00



Spring timetable (from 1 April to 16 June and from 16 September to 31 October):

Tuesday: 09:30 -13:00
Thursday to Friday: 09:30-13:00 & 16:00- 19: 00
Saturday: 09:30-14:00 & 16:00-19:00
Sunday: 10:00-14:00


The Basque Coast Museum Network

alde zaharraIZThe Basque Coast has a rich and varied maritime heritage with many hidden spots and landscapes shaped by its peoples and the events of the past. Its museums, researchers and archives, in addition to numerous associations, organisations and other institutions, are the protectors of this heritage.


Water activities in Orio to enjoy the river.

begibistanibilbideak17Begi Bistan, in Arraunetxe (Orio) offers this summer water activities to enjoy the river.

Those are the activities:



2-WEB-KOSTA-GASTRONOMIKAFor this summer we have conceived a new gastronomic experience for you; Orio Style Sea Bream. With this experience you will learn how to do a good grilled sea bream like we do in Orio.

This guided visit is part of Urola Kosta region "Kosta Gastonomika" project. 


Aia, Orio,Getaria, Zumaia eta Zarauzko itsas ondarea ezagutzeko hitzaldi ibiltariak

ORI00249Eskualdeko itsas ondarea ezagutzeko hitzaldi ibiltariak antolatu dituzte Orio, Aia, Zarautz, Getaria eta Zumaiako turismo bulegoek.Hitzaldi hauek herritar guztiei zuzenduta daude eta doakoak izango dira. Azaroko igandeetan izango dira goizeko 11etan. Aurrenekoa igande honetan izango da Aian, azaroaren 9an Orion, azaroaren 16an Getarian, azaroaren 23an Zumaian eta azkenik Zarautzen, azaroaren 27an, osteguna, Jon Maiak hitzaldia eskainiko du.


Turismo bulegoa

Helbidea: Aritzaga Kalea 1 - 20810 ORIO
Tel.: 943 83 55 65
E-posta: iThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Udako ordutegia (ekainaren 13tik irailaren 11era):

Astelehenetik larunbatera: 10:00 - 14:00 eta 16:00 - 20:00
Igandeetan: 10:00 - 14:00



Neguko ordutegia (azaroaren 1etik  martxoaren 31era)

Asteartean: 09:30 -13:30
Asteazkenetik ostiralera: 09:30-13:30 eta 16:00- 19: 00
Larunbatean: 09:30-15:00
Igandean: 10:00-14:00

Jaiegunak: 10:00-14:00



Udaberriko ordutegia (apirilaren 1tik ekainaren 12ra)

Asteartean: 09:30 -13:00
Asteazkenetik ostiralera: 09:30-13:00 eta 16:00- 19: 00
Larunbatean: 09:30-14:00 eta 16:00-19:00
Igandean: 10:00-14:00

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Turismo Bulegoa, Aritzaga kalea, 1
20810 ORIO, Gipuzkoa
Tl: 943 835 565 - iThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Udal webgunea orio.eus

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